Again, thank you Sara for inspiring my creative Thursday. New habits grow slowly, but surely. If you're considering beginning a new creative habit, check this out...

Since the Professor is on vacation right now, my usual slow and solitary pace has kicked into overdrive. We decided to remain at home while he created a bookcase wall for his ever-growing library. During this project, the contents of his office are being stored in the living room. I don't do chaos well; I should have taken a trip...
Anyway, enough whining. I'd been working on a couple of small art boards (watercolor pencils on a stamped image on gessoed matte board) while away with my girlfriends a couple of weeks ago and finally decided to use them for the covers of a journal (a belated birthday gift) for my friend, Ms. Jazzercise. So I got out my handy tool...

Cut pages to size and punched them...

In the process of binding the covers I smashed the pointer finger of my left hand, requiring ice. Yaa-owch!!

I was pleased with the outcome and have decided to let "Ms. J." determine the front cover..

But I'm tending toward this one...

Hope you have a lovely Thursday, doing something that gives you joy.