Thursday, September 23, 2010

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

I had thought that I wouldn't be creating anything again this week due to this weekend's upcoming wedding for Natalie and Jeremy. However, when I looked this morning for the shoes I normally wear to work weddings in, I came up empty. Had the weather cooperated, I had black sandals, however since we now seem to be dancing between autumn's cold/wet and late summer's sunshine, I neede something more substantial with which to cover my tooties.

Being the resourceful woman I am, I dug out a pair of comfortable flats that I could depend on wearing without the distraction of pain for the 10-12 hours I plan to follow the above mentioned bride. This particular pair of flats were currently a dark shade of blue violet, but they had begun life in a shade of summer white. From that they were transformed into a green pattern I needed to match a summer dress. And then, you guessed it, into their current shade.

I determined my need for black shoes presently outweighed my use for the blue violet. So I pulled out my trusty sharpie...

New Black Shoes!

What did you create this week?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surprising Response

Hope you missed me last week. I'd like to say that I just got busy, but that is not entirely truthful. I did work on some creative projects, but they were either unfinished by last Thursday or fall into the "Hush'Hush" category for one of you.

This week, however, has been thrillingly creative. New projects are brewing in a variety of media. My sister proposed interesting project involving silk and color and design. A new friend, Flame-lighter, shared a free write begging for a slide-show. Another friend, the Counselor, gave me some wooden block to adorn with truth and lies. Mother Mary, the Poetess, has partnered with me to create a children's book. All these projects have served to give my eyes new sparkle and put the bounce back in my step. Thank you all and I'll keep you posted.

On top of all this, I am reading a book by somatic psychologist, Christine Caldwell, entitled Getting Our Bodies Back which has been thought provoking. And no, it is not about getting rid of that "baby weight." This book seems to be the inspiration for this week's You Create project. After reading a chapter the other morning, I pulled out my crayons and journal and began to play a bit. The following image is one of the surprising results(surprising because I have never done anything remotely resembling this). No abstraction here...

Reminds me of a toned-down Matisse done in wax crayon.

What have you created today?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Presto Chango and TA-DA Thursday!

In the process of the Professor's rearranging his home study this past weekend, an "extra but ugly" small bookcase came up for grabs.

Remembering of the dismaying tower of books on both bed-side tables and growing library now both on and under the tiny side table, I decided to try to reclaim the bedroom surfaces and floor by turning that ugly duckling into a swan.

I think I succeeded, thanks to and 2 quick coats of the amazing Behr paint with primer.

What do you think?
Oh, and thanks again Sara!