My one and only sister is a physically fit, stylishly-dressed woman who could easily
pass for an older sister to either of her two grown daughters. Her
career in the fashion industry keeps her style sense current. She and her husband are coming from Phoenix to hear the Professor's band, Half Throttle, play at the
Main Street Bar & Grill on Saturday. Should be good times.
I love it when she comes because I get my hair trimmed, slap polish on my toenails if the season calls for it and give my house a thorough cleaning, not necessarily in that order. Procrastinating this morning, I decided instead to make her a little gift. Her signature color is a bright coral-red. A few months ago I found 2 gently-used and 3 brand-new tee shirts in her color at Goodwill. I had planned then to put them together into a skirt for her. So today, rather than fill the house with the smell of a pedicure or cleaning supplies, I pulled out my shiny, new serger and cut up tee shirts.
After cutting these 2 apart, I realized they were not as fine a knit as the other 3 solid colored ones. Fodder for another project.
I had removed the glitter-decorated section from the fronts of the other 3 shirts and washed them months ago. Today, setting aside the detached sleeves, I cut the remaining body of each shirt into 3 of the 4 pieces needed before realizing I didn't have enough fabric left to make the skirt! I nearly gave up at this point until remembering the 6 detached sleeves piled beside the serger. Piecing these long sleeves together, I created enough fabric to cut another piece for the skirt front and the waistband.
Here is the finished "reversible" skirt.
Did I mention that I'd never previously made anything with my serger?
Notice the interesting design lines created by my need to piece fabric. I often say that mistakes and lack are often the place where creativity is born. Today that was certainly the case.
And here's what the other side looks like. I'll let you know how my sister liked it.