- When you are tired, rest. This requires an awareness for and respect of one's current physical condition. Resting is not a negative activity. Our bodies and minds need regular rest for optimal health. Exhaustion is not a badge of having done a good job.
- When you are hungry, eat. This also requires an awareness for and respect of one's current physical condition. Eating is not a negative activity. Our bodies and minds need regular fueling for optimal health. Starving is not a badge of high moral fiber. It does not equal spirituality.
- When you are sad, cry. This requires an awareness for and respect of one's current emotional condition. Expressing sadness is not a negative activity. Emotions are a part of being human. If we do not express our emotions they will store up in our bodies causing illness. Let it out.
- When you are busy, make time to play. Counter-intuitive truth. The most productive people have this one mastered. Me? Not so much.
So give yourself a break today and allow yourself to be human. Eat when you're hungry. Cry if you're sad. Rest if you're tired. And make time to play.
Be nice to yourself today, if only because I said so. And you know why I want you to?
It's because I love you. Bunches.