Today's post is for those of you who have asked me (and those who wanted to ask but didn't) how to draw a face. Anyone can do this. I promise. Simply follow the instructions below and you will surprise yourself (and you might have a little fun with the process.)
Step 1: Draw an egg-like oval shape. Draw it loosely, as this looks more natural.
Step 2: Divide the oval in half from top to bottom. Then divide it in half again from side to side. My oval's horizontal line is a little bit high, but you get the idea.
Step 3: Draw the upper eye sockets (like frowns) along the center horizontal line, being sure to leave one full eye space between them. Divide the bottom of the oval in half again. On this line draw the nose (like a smile) as show below.
Step 4: Divide the bottom of the oval between the nose and the chin in half again. This is where you draw the lips. The upper and lower lips are drawn separately. they do not connect unless you are looking for a Joker smile. The upper side has a small scoop in the center of the top. Feel your upper lip where it meets your lower lip. It goes down slightly in the center. Next draw the bottom of the lower lip with another smile-like line.
Step 5: Draw the iris of the eye with a partial circle attached to the eye socket line. If you draw a full circle, your face will look surprised. Next draw the eye lids. You guessed it, a frown-like line attached to a vertical line at the inside of the eye socket. Finally, connect the outside corners of the eye socket to the inside corners.
Step 6: Draw the hair line (another gently curved line) about halfway between the eyes and the top of the oval. Add eye brows about halfway between the eyes and the hairline. Use short, light lines. Finally draw in the pupil. Because a sparkle in the eye gives life to your person, draw the pupil as a wide comma or a small circle with a piece out of one quarter of it. Add tiny dots or flecks around the iris as shown. You can darken the eyelids and iris at this time.
Step 7: Add a curved line connecting the eyebrow to the nose as shown. Now add half ovals for ears. The bottom edge lines usually lines up with the nose. Feel your face. You'll see. Next draw some curved lines for the neck. The neck is made by drawing (you guessed it) a curved line. Start the line slightly under the ears, giving it a gentle curve in and then out. Add some curved lines for hair.
Step 8: Continue adding lines for hair. I got kind of scribbly here. You definitely don't have to.
And there! See? You did it! Your drawing will look different from mine, because it will be done in your perfectly unique style. I learned this simple and quick way of doing faces from the book by Jane Davenport. (You could find her on YouTube as well.)
Finally, I couldn't help but splash some Inktense colors onto my face. They go on like watercolor, but once they are wet, they become permanent. Love these things and my water pens.
Here's the final face. Day 45 in my 100 Days of Making Women project.
I know you will have fun with your whimsical faces and I would love to see what you come up with. Text, email or post them on FB under this post
You are wonderful. And creative. And capable. And I love you. Bunches.