Thursday, August 17, 2017

Jenny Mead: Creative Connection is Coming

Jenny Mead: Creative Connection is Coming

Creative Connection is Coming

I am so excited! This week I have been working on putting together an introductory workshop using art to connect with God. Being a kinesthetic learner, I have found that prayer and worship and meditation are deeper and more satisfying if I am using my hands. You have seen many of my prayers and meditations over the years here and some have expressed an interest in learning my process.

So this week I've been learning about video in an effort to create this workshop for you that I'm calling Creative Connection. It will be short, simple, and user-friendly. (At least that's the plan.)

I'll keep you posted! The goal is to have the whole thing available for FREE by Thursday, August 24, 2017. I'll post it here if I can figure that out. If not, email me at and I will send you both the video and the information sheets. Becuse I love you. Bunches.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Take that Next Step

    I got a flyer in the mail last week from my nephew, encouraging his followers to "take that next step." A few days prior to receiving this, I had the fortunate opportunity to begin working with a life coach. Call it synchronicity or a God thing. Whatever. My focus has sharpened, my work more fruitful and my vision has expanded. Artwork I have admittedly procrastinated putting online has been finding its way to my site. Probably has a lot to do with having some accountability.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is quoted as saying, 'Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.'  I've had experience this week with that magic. Inspiration hit me for a new painting series. Here's a peek of it in progress.

    I began, knowing I had only one canvas and no funds for more. I did one of those wish-prayers: Sure would be nice to have some more canvases... and continued painting. The very next day, I got a call from a friend cleaning a closet at work. She wondered if I'd have any use for some canvases that had been painted brown and had stuff glued all over them. I regularly re-purpose canvases so gratefully accepted her find. I was shocked when the Professor delivered 3 - 2ft x 3ft canvases, the exact size of the one I was working on! A little elbow grease and a couple of coats of gesso later and I had 3 fresh canvases to finish the series on... with no financial outlay. Yes! 

    Ryan, I have decided to 'take that next step,' trusting the magic, grace and power of action. Some of you have encouraged me over the years to put together video of techniques I use in my art. So video lessons are my 'next step.' I hope to have something available by the end of August.  I would truly love to hear your feedback. How many of you would find this of interest? You can comment below or on social media. I'm delighted you are sharing my adventure. Take YOUR next step...

    Because I love you guys. Bunches.

    Monday, July 24, 2017

    Derain, Matisse, de Vlaminck and Me

    I've found my tribe. Back in the early 1900's, a group of artists began to paint landscapes and portraits non-realistically in abstracted colors. The recent advent of the camera brought capturing realism into the hands of the non-artist. This new group of painters broke with the traditions of the past and did not try to imitate reality. And for the wild color and distortion in their work, they were call "Wild Beasts," or Fauvists. Click here to find examples of their glorious work.  Fauvism

    I've often said that if I wanted an image exactly replicated I would photograph it, and that seems to be the premise of the Fauvism movement. So, as a dedicated Creative Explorer, I've decided on exploring Fauvism in my current work.

    This image taken by my niece, Bekah, was the inspiration for my first study of the Fauve style.
    This is what I've got so far...
    Loving the colors. And the figure in the foreground. What do you think? I probably could have gotten farther outside the box with the colors.

    And I share this adventure as a reminder that your tribe is out there, too. Embrace your personal style. Dare to be who you have been created to be. As my nephew recently said, "You only get one ride on this rock." Go ahead. Lose the fear. Take a risk. Have some fun.

    Because you are loved. Bunches.